Tag Archives: data

Australian law makes you a target

As a privacy and security focussed person, I want to keep a minimal financial fingerprint in the digital world. I do not pay via credit or debit card directly, but always use a trusted payment gateway which have sufficient security frameworks in place. This way I can ensure that these numbers are not splurged over the web and any breach of a particular website should not have an effect on my account. The main issue is that the right to be forgotten does not exist in the financial legislation in Australia. If you have any dealings with any financial institution, your data is locked in for at least 7 years. This makes you vulnerable and leaves you to the perils of the institution you’ve dealt with.

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The Optus data breach and why it was so simple.

OK, first off, “It wasn’t me !!!” Even though the title may indicate otherwise.

Just in case you’re not in Australia and have no idea what this is about. Optus is Australia’s second-largest Telco, with around 11 million subscribers. On September 22nd 2022 they suffered a major data breach where it was announced that PII (Personal Identifiable Information) data of almost all their customers was stolen. Now, we’re not talking about the phone number and the name, nooo, basically everything that is required to really disrupt someone’s life. This included names, addresses, date of birth, drivers-licence details, passport details, banking and payment information, other identity verifiers like Medicare numbers, and potentially other grade two1 or three details that would allow a person to accrue enough points for online or phone identity verification. Let me be clear here, NO OPTUS CUSTOMER IS SAFE FOR YEARS TO COME !!.

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Data Corruption in Storage Area Networks

If there is one thing that gets people relatively annoyed is that their data is not available for a certain amount of time. You can’t get to your sales data, orders cannot be fulfilled, your tracking and tracing options for your goods on their way to your customers does not show up etc. That makes you really crunching your teeth whilst waiting for this stuff to come back. Take that feeling into your head and extrapolate it to the point you start to realize this will not return, ever…….got it? That is when data-corruption has made its mark.

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